Well yes. But let's give the devil his due. To an almost unprecedented extent, Trump and his team make themselves available to journalists. Journalists previously denied access are now given seats at pressers. He's demanded an end to censorship everywhere, including major media platforms like Facebook, where a whole lot of people get their news. And he's demanded an investigation into any secret involvement by the federal government in news services. Just sayin'
Let's not totally despair! I think there may be some local solutions. I've had some interesting discussions about this problem with people in Santa Barbara and Palm Springs, which are both essentially ancillary markets to Los Angeles. Subsidies at the state level are certainly one solution, but really I'm starting to believe that local subsidies and reinvestments are critical steps toward making newspapers more essential community-fabric institutions again.
Well yes. But let's give the devil his due. To an almost unprecedented extent, Trump and his team make themselves available to journalists. Journalists previously denied access are now given seats at pressers. He's demanded an end to censorship everywhere, including major media platforms like Facebook, where a whole lot of people get their news. And he's demanded an investigation into any secret involvement by the federal government in news services. Just sayin'
Let's not totally despair! I think there may be some local solutions. I've had some interesting discussions about this problem with people in Santa Barbara and Palm Springs, which are both essentially ancillary markets to Los Angeles. Subsidies at the state level are certainly one solution, but really I'm starting to believe that local subsidies and reinvestments are critical steps toward making newspapers more essential community-fabric institutions again.