In 2024 I put 10% of my annual income into independent journalism in Canada.

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Can you please not share images of his face. Really so tired of seeing him and don’t want to give his ego any more fuel.

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No, it’s been there for a while. What he is looking is vengeance like from good journalists like Jim Acosta.

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what's wrong with you, matt pearce? This is a holy war against facts…. against what you can see and hear. What we have in the US now is an American mafia. A bunch of thugs, with their new don. He and his henchman.

They have kneecapped the Congress, the press, and anyone who dares to disagree with them. It is only gonna get worse. We are headed for a reestablishment of a feudal society. HL Mencken predicted it in 1920. All those "plain folks," the MAGAs, have found their 21st century Jesus. They will die in fealty to him, rather than acknowledge their misplaced faith....they have reached the nth degree of cognitive dissonance…as the madding crowd they have subdued and captured the Republican senators and rendered them gutless.

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