I enjoy most of your writing but in this case you missed the mark. There is nothing special about dual-class shares, we have had robber barons in the US since the beginning. The difference here is not the use of wealth to promote an agenda, the Koch brothers have done that for decades. The difference here was the election of a candidate with no respect for the norms or laws.

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Highly credentialed professionals are telling one another to tune out from the news and politics to protect their mental health. That's one problem. Another is that the flood-the-zone tactic is working. When people feel overwhelmed, they tune out.

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Trump’s tariffs will affect his followers most deeply, but they will swallow their dear leader’s rationalization that the resulting price increases will be temporary, and that they will understand.

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Appears the mostly uneducated masses are approving of an "openly criminal regime." From where I sit it seems not enough are paying attention to what's going on. And what's going on is a blitzkrieg of government demolition. Maybe the demolition is what is needed to wake people up.

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Another often ignored but significant contributor to this loneliness/social isolation/personalism epidemic is forced car dependency: the hard physicality of interacting with life from inside a speeding, ever more bloated metal shell; the inherit violence it relentlessly threatens; the thoughtless mobility and economic injustice it inflicts upon non-drivers. Driver supremacism turns communities into death cults, mocking collectivism with a hard, might-makes-right stomp on the pedal.

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